Fazaia Housing Scheme Gujranwala


Fazaia Housing Scheme Gujranwala is a housing society located in Gujranwala on Main Pindi bypass road. Fazaia Housing Scheme Gujranwala was originally initiated under the Private Housing Schemes platform for the employees (Officers, junior commissioned officers) of the Pakistan Air Force for providing them a secure, comfortable and soothing environment for living. It is now home for potential residents from all over Pakistan having different backgrounds and belonging to the different professions ranging from the defence forces, businessman, government servants and many more.

Fazaia Housing Scheme Gujranwala is planned over an area of approx 500 Acres. The Scheme has opportunity to home industrialist from all over the Pakistan. Multiple excess are available for the scheme one from the main Pindi bypass road and other from the Ali Pur road. Fazaia Housing scheme Gujranwala is a gated community with secure exit and entry points which are manned by professional security staff. This scheme is project of Pakistan Air Force and is maintained and managed by the professionals from specialized fields like Engineering & Planning, Security, Administration, Accounting etc.

Fazaia Housing Scheme is well planned and approved scheme by Gujranwala Development Authority comprising of 03 residential blocks (A, B, C) with provision of central parks / green areas of appropriate sizes in each of 03 Blocks. Each block is provided with a commercial area to fulfill the requirements of day to day needs and facilitating the residents at the best. Central Commercial Avenues are provided at Block A and Block B for construction of commercial plazas, departmental marts, food chains, commercial banks and sports facilities for providing healthy activities necessary for the community living. In the sequential of the same 01 commercial plaza is planned at Block A commercial area for generating the commercial activity in the scheme. For providing the religious activities for the community of the scheme central mosque at Block A is planned which will accommodate the 700 Namazis. Also land measuring 52 kanals is designated specifically for graveyard for performing after death rituals.

It is pertinent to mention that partially Infrastructure development works (Road network, Sewerage network, Water supply network) in Fazaia Housing Scheme Gujranwala are in progress. Scheme is likely to be habitable by December 2019. The list of ongoing projects is appended below.

  • Laying of Electric network in the scheme.
  • Laying of the sui gas network in the scheme.
  • Development of the Central parks / green areas.
  • Development of main entrance and center median of the scheme.
  • Reconstruction of boundary wall of the scheme.